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Date Established
1964  Previously a Controlled Hunting Area  1962.

Geographical Location
Western Uganda, adjoining Murchison Falls National Park to the north. Approximately r50’N, 3r45’E.

Altitude 900m – 1,300m

Area 675km2 (82,000ha); contiguous to Murchison Falls National Park 3877km2 (384,000ha) and Bugungu Wildlife Reserve 473km2 (52,000ha)

Physical Features
This is an area of gentle relief crossed by several watercourses, south of the Victoria Nile.

The savanna grasslands are dominated by elephant grass Pennisetum purpureurn and Hyparrhenia rufa with isolated forest and savanna trees representing remnants of former forest cover. It is bordered to the southwest by a forested zone.

Species similar to those in Murchison Falls National Park include elephant Loxodonta africana, giraffe Giraffa carrielopardalis, buffalo Syncerus caffer, and many antelope species. Large numbers of animals move in herds to and from Murchison Falls National Park.

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